Silhouettes and getting there first on June 30, 2010 artist rights commercial art Julia Gandrud silhouettes west elm +
Life Cycle of a Monarch Butterfly on June 29, 2010 migration monarch butterflies painting on OSB wood semi-daily painting +
Narwhal shingle painting on June 23, 2010 Julia Gandrud long tooth narwhal semi-daily painting shingle +
Fabulous Flutterbys on June 22, 2010 etsy treasury Julia Gandrud monarch butterflies semi-daily painting +
Horseshoe Crab isn't a crab on June 15, 2010 charity etsy gulf oil spill horseshoe crab oxfam america +
Giraffes and, well, fiddle songs about drugs on June 14, 2010 fiddle giraffe Julia Gandrud semi-daily painting soldier's joy +
Illusions in photography, Animals stopping us in our tracks on June 10, 2010 illusion Julia Forrest Katy Higgins photography +
Thank you, Tenniel on June 09, 2010 Examined Life gulf oil spill Julia Gandrud mock turtle philosophy sea turtle semi-daily painting +
The Peleides Blue Morpho Butterfly on June 03, 2010 blue butterfly blue morpho daily painting from Julia Gandrud painting on wood +