
Masks for Shambhala Children's Day

Writing "The End"

Mid Month Doldrums

Fiddle advice, noveling novelties, and Wildness

Preparing for National Novel Writing Month

Spot the Chicken

Beasts of the Childhood Wild

Postmodem (sorry) for my first online class

Ashokan fall

No, really, the GRE?

Emile's second birthday

Reception of online degrees at brick and mortar universities?

Post class debriefing


Form and space

End of May list

Improving on the fiddle

Crow flight animation

Lucy flight

House sings Saint James Infirmary

What next? Crows.

Les bon mots d'Alain

Playing with that trope. A little.

Spring colors

The kid without a chance

There's art, and then there's mathematics

Taking some crazed little monkeys on vacation

Cheetah painting colors

I was watching Sesame Street when I was Lucy's age...

Alice Coltrane makes the harp cool